new birks farm

We developed design proposals for submission for planning permission for the redevelopment of an existing farm complex on the edge of Guiseley.

The site is sustainably located within walking distance of the town centre but is within designated green belt land. The existing farmhouse building and its attached barn are part of the conservation area for Guiseley town centre and identified in its conservation area appraisal as undesignated local heritage assets that make a positive contribution to the town’s heritage. However these circa 200-year-old buildings are currently disused and in a poor state of repair. The landowner wishes to convert the property into homes, with additional new residential development on site to create an economically viable redevelopment scheme.

We looked at feasibility options and have worked within the constraints of the existing volume of building to create an attached courtyard development to the west of the historic barn, replacing an existing modern barn structure and later unsympathetic additions. The new housing is designed to be subservient to the existing buildings and is arranged to minimise the visual impact of vehicles. It will support the conservation and repair of the existing buildings and their beneficial re-use as homes while also creating an appropriate setting for this edge-town site. An orchard and native species planting, including new hedgerows, are designed to create a natural buffer to the adjacent retained farmland.

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